Heather is the best! She makes every session really personal making it fun and comfortable. She designs each workout so that it is unique to what you're wanting to accomplish. I've signed up for 4 rounds of sessions with her and highly recommend her to anyone who is looking to lose weight, tone up, learn how to be comfortable around the gym, or anything else! Love her!!

Finding the energy and wanting to work out can be really hard. sure days all I want to do is relax and disconnect from the world. Heather makes the workout worth it. Your body may be tired but your energy and mentality will be energized. She accommodates as best as she can in a multitude of ways while also ensuring the workout is challenging and not overly taxing. Her knowledge and expertise shines through when she's teaching new exercises and spotting form to make sure life long habits are built properly. She's top notch and will kick your butt (not just on glute day.)

I came across Heather by a stroke of luck and I am so glad I did! I started my training with some hefty weight loss goals after having a baby and have since met those goals. Now we are building muscles! Heather has personalized many of my sessions to accommodate health issues and because of that, I have not given up. Heather is an awesome trainer who will teach you, encourage you, make you laugh, and inspire you to keep reaching for your goals. She is the best of the best!

Heather guided me through my first bikini competition and I am forever thankful to her for sharing her love and knowledge of the sport. She pushed me to my limits in the gym so I could present my best on the stage. The training from Heather I appreciate the most is her attention to building bigger and stronger glutes. She is always researching and taking in new information to help me and all her clients build bigger, stronger glutes and healthier, happier bodies. Thank you for all the love you give in mind, body, and spirit Heather, love you!!!

I trained with Heather for about a year. I am in my 50s and needed some revised workouts due to arthritis in both knees. Heather always accommodated me and still provided a good workout for my entire body. She motivated me to stay on track because, in all honesty, there were times my motivation ran out. She was personable and she took an active interest in my goals. Heather is knowledgeable and is always available for my endless questions on nutrition and workouts. I now use what she taught me while I am in the gym or during my home workouts. To this day I still rely on Heather as she is a valuable source of encouragement and support. I not only met a great trainer, I have a friend as well!

Heather is really good at meeting you where you are at, then making a plan that fits you. She incorporates multiple aspects of fitness into her training, making a well-rounded, yet individualized program for each of her clients. She's easy to talk to and super encouraging. I always feel like I am on the right track when I'm consistently following her plan for me. I'm so much stronger now than when I started, which has become very evident in everyday life; things are just easier to do. My family has noticed the differences too!

Before I started working with Heather, I felt I was hitting a plateau with my progress. I didn't have as much energy anymore and I started to enjoy the gym less. When I first started working with her, I was super excited and had a lot of expectations for what it would be like. Those expectations were not just met, but exceeded. I not only loved my workouts, but the gym became a highlight of my day. I had more energy and started making a lot of progress. She didn't just give me a great plan, she's also given me a lot of support. She's very kind and understanding with all the challenges you may go through in your daily life, along with any struggle with mental health without making you feel judged. I feel valued and understood working with her and it's definitely contributed to my success. I will never regret choosing her as my coach and I'm grateful that I did.

As someone who has worked with Heather as both a mentor and a client, I can't say enough good things about Heather. Heather cares deeply about improving her clients' lives, she's diligent about creating an environment and programming that ensures that, she's practical and skillful about how she incorporates nutritional practices into her programming, and, most importantly, she's someone you just want to be around. I was lucky enough to serve as an educator/mentor for Heather, but I've returned to her time and again for her input, advice, and knowledge. Heather is a trusted resource for future fitness professionals because of her skill set, experience, and passion for sharing what she's learned. As a trainer, educator, resource, and friend, I couldn't recommend Heather more highly.

Heather is a great coach! If you are looking for personalized training, I highly recommend her. She not only helps with customizing your macros to your needs but she provides solid support in making sure your nutrition is on track. I trained with her for about a year and I lost 20lbs+. I not only lost fat but I gained muscle! My body composition went from postpartum "mom bod" to a body with muscle and streneth! I not onlv had her as a coach but I gained a friend in the process.